Religion is Man seeking God. Christianity is God seeking Man.
God seeking Man: A sinner's travels is the struggles of a Christian in the world. I hope my experiences brings light into your life. I was blind yet I had sight. Then, I found Jesus and everything changed. I was awaken from a long sleep to face the realities of a broken world.

Monday, February 13, 1984

My lunch money

I was 12 years old when I encounter God for the first time. I was going to school and I encounter a beggar for the first time. I have seen beggars on the streets before in the city were I grew. But  the difference, this time I was aware of personal contact. When I mean personal contact, it means I was aware of the old lady on the street. She was old and obviously disable. For sure, I'd passed her before couple times. But this time was different. My heart was filled with compassion and my sight was slowed to a tunnel vision that focus on her. I could not explained it. My mother would always provide some change for lunch. In my own child logic, the money would represent a handsome amount. That money was the only funds for my meal for the rest of the day.

As I approached the old lady, I understood two things. First, she needed help. Second, I would be able to eat later at home while she would be sleeping on the streets. Then, I reached into my pocket and pulled the 20 and gave it to the lady. I was happy that I was able to help her. I kept going and never looked back. Back then, I did not understand what happened. But today, I can assure you that God was present in the bones of that old lady. I placed that memory in the back of my mind for almost 30 years. It was not until I found God, that I was not able to understand that encounter.

Looking back, I understand that my conscious was guiding me to her. It overwhelmed my heart and prompt me to act out of love. At the time, I did not understand what love meant. I just knew love was a feeling. But love it is not just a feeling. It is an action. I understand that love has to exist in order for the world to exist. Therefore, God is love. I am astonished of the events that took place back in 1984.

God worked his wonders through my actions. As a child, I did not understand that. But God set a footprint that chiseled part of my soul, almost unconsciously. This is the first encounter that I had with God in the bones of a beggar old lady.

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