Religion is Man seeking God. Christianity is God seeking Man.
God seeking Man: A sinner's travels is the struggles of a Christian in the world. I hope my experiences brings light into your life. I was blind yet I had sight. Then, I found Jesus and everything changed. I was awaken from a long sleep to face the realities of a broken world.

Sunday, June 1, 1980

My first fight

It was the summer break of 1982. I was playing soccer with my friends. We all were the same age and lived for playing soccer. There were four of us and we all hang out most of the time. For sure, we ate, drank, and breath soccer every day. I do not remember for sure what happen but a fight broke out. I was involved in the altercation and I did not even know it. One of my friends hit me and I did not know why. I defended my self. My friend was well known for being a street fighter and better fighter than me. But that day, I had to defend my self. At that time, I was attending military school and I was trained to fight. I learned couple of Judo moves. While in the fight, I remember clearly this moves and applied them. Quickly, I took him down laying on his back. While on the floor, I sat on top of him and pinned his hands down to the floor. I could have down whatever I wanted with him at that point. Instead, I decided to make sure he understood i could had done whatever i wanted with him. He looked angry but could not move at all because the way I had pinned him down. I told him that I was letting go. Then, I got up and back out and went home. He stayed behind in the park with other kids. While walking to my house, My best friend and I started talking about what happened. We did not understand why the fight escalated so quickly and left one of my friends fighting me. My best friend understood that I did not like to fight with anyone. Suddenly, I felt this pain in my face and everything when black. The kid I was fighting came from behind me and punched me. Then, he took off running. Lot of the lady's and my mother came to my rescue. They saw what happened. Thereafter, I realized what happened. For the first time, I realized what the meaning of the word coward was. I was infuriated and I wanted to get even. Few days went by, my resentment started disappearing. I just wanted to start playing soccer again. But I knew the kid I fought was going to be there. Out of nowhere, I walked to the field and there he was. Everyone stopped to see what would happen. Instead of fighting, I grabbed the ball and started playing. Then everyone join into the game. The feud was over and playing time was all we care about. Looking back at this time, It made me realized that our conscious tell us what is right from wrong even when we do not know God yet. I learn compassion is the best medicine for avoiding conflicts. I learned that forgiving is more powerful that hitting someone. Therefore, people that do not know God were given a conscious to guide them in life. But some times as humans, we rather look away and go with the flow of things. But that is why Jesus came to earth, he came to teach us to listen to God and not to the flow of things or the world. Listen to what is telling you and go against your costumes. It is more important to have mercy than have costumes. The enemy will always whisper and tell you that you are better than anyone else, that is your way, pear pressure you, seek your weak spots to make you fall.

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